Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Essence of Skating

I've been doing a lot of write ups lately. When I was looking at the stats I realized that they posts that get the most views are the posts that are about my thoughts on skating. I realize that skating isn't about who is best of what trick was done when, but instead its about expression. Like art, or music, skateboarding isn't something that you do for other people but you do it for yourself.  Truly amazing skaters skate for there own love, not because someone told them too. No pro skater started out making money, each one of them had to fall a lot before they could rise to fame. They love the sport even if it is how they put to bread on the table.

The topic of the day is, would you give it up? What if someone offered you a career in skateboarding but told you that you couldn't skate your style. What if you love to be smooth and and clean that they offered you 100 grand a year to be rough and sketchy?

Would it still be art? Would this take away the essence of skating or simply force you to be well rounded? Is skateboarding about what you can do or how you do it?

I don't want to say what I think, I want your opinion on this. Leave a comment, and let me know.

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