Friday, December 3, 2010

How to use spray paint and stencils to get nice images. (request)

I have had a request to explain how to use stencils, I have spent some time using stencils and I hope to help skaters who want to get creative. Ok I am going to teach you what I know. Listen up!

This is the image i have been asked to explain.

Now I have selected 2 images that I want to merge. A background and a foreground. Lets start with the background. Here it is.
This is a simple 2 step job. Your first step is to lay down your base color... The lighter one first. You will lay just a simple square or rectangle or whatever shape you want. Then after that dries, your first stencil will be used. BE SURE THAT ALL OF THE STENCILS ARE PLACED ON THE SAME EXACT SPOT

All of the white parts are parts that you DON'T cut out . Now you have the complete background and are ready to start on the fist.

Your first stencil for the fist will cover the majority of the color, in this case the blue. It will look like this.

Now you just hold that down and stray from about 6-12 inches away. It should fill in that area completely.

Thats step 1 for the hand.... now step too

You get another sheet and cut it to look like this.  This will be the black.

Now spray BLACK that and let it dry.

Step number 3 of the hand. The red tongue. cut it to look like this.

Spray it red and let it dry... now the last step.

The white teeth. Cut the next sheet to look like this.

Thats it, if  you have done ever step you have the original image background included. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment and ask. Thank you for the good request. 

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